Automotive Eyelashes - Car Fans Collectively Cringe

new cars of,the cars new,new cars for,for new cars
Are you a teenage girl and yearning to make your Beetle just the cutest damn thing on the road? Get some of these Car Lashes. If you're an S-Class owner and want to make your car cuter, how about you take a step back, count to ten, and ask yourself what the heck you're thinking.

Stuck to one's car using some double-sided tape, these Car Lashes - patent pending - can even be accessorized with crystal eye liner (yes, really) that "throws rainbows in the sun". The basic kit costs $25, and if you're classy enough to get the crystal liner, that will run you another $20. May heaven help us all.

By Phil Alex

Link / Photo: Carlashes , Via: Dubdaily


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