Nissan GT-R: Tuner Creates Dry Carbon Fiber Wide Front Fenders, Fits 20'' Wheels in 315/30 Tires

electric car,car in 2012,car of 2012,2012 carSo, we get the dry carbon part but why would someone create a set of wide front fenders for the Nissan GT-R R35? Well, according to the folks over at Password:JDM (now don't go saving that in your list, it's the company's name...), the main reason was to be able to fit the GT-R with wider tires up front in order to eliminate understeer, especially in those cars with performance upgrades. It goes without saying that there's no way of proving the company's claims unless you actually drive a GT-R fitted with the dry carbon fiber fenders that extend the car's width by a full 38mm or 1.5 inches.

Password:JDM says that the wider fenders that feature deeper air-outlets are designed to accommodate a 20×11 wheel shod in 315/30/20 Toyo R888 rubber which are the widest tires available for the rear-axle of the factory model.

If you're interested, the price for the wide front fenders is set at $3899.99.

Source: Password:JDM , Via: Gtrblog

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