Nissan Preparing Convertible Version of Murano SUV?

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If we are to believe a report from Edmunds Insideline, Nissan is preparing to enhance its Murano crossover line-up with a niche convertible version. Inside sources that are involved with the project -and of course remain anonymous- told Edmunds that the four-door convertible crossover won’t be equipped with a retractable hardtop as the designers preferred to use a more traditional canvas top in order to keep weight down.

The Murano Convertible, which will apparently be equipped with the same 265 HP 3.5-liter V6 engine as the conventional version, is said to arrive in the market during the first quarter of 2010. Assuming Edmund’s sources are accurate, we can expect to see a concept version sometime in 2009.

Photo Illustration: CarScoop , Source: Edmunds


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