“In April, Kanagawa Prefecture had announced the EV Initiative Kanagawa, an incentive scheme to include subsidies and tax exemptions to promote electric vehicles. By 2014, we hope to achieve 3,000 units of electric vehicles in Kanagawa. The scheme is supported by the industrial and academic sectors. The joint-study with Nissan will accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles among consumers. We intend to achieve a sustainable mobility solution with the “Kanagawa Model”, which can be replicated at the national and global levels,” commented Shigefumi Matsuzawa, the governor of Kanagawa Prefecture.
“At Nissan, we firmly believe that electric vehicles represent a viable and attractive solution for sustainable mobility. In collaboration with the government of Kanagawa Prefecture, we hope to clearly position the electric vehicle as a zero emission, affordable car with no impact on the environment,” said Carlos Tavares, executive vice president of Nissan. “By creating the favourable conditions, customers can then make a smart and environmentally-friendly choice with an electric vehicle.”
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