Breathtaking Ferr@ri Enzo Replica

mercedes b,american cars,electric auto,newcarsIf you’re searching for a reason to hate replicas, then look no further than to this hideous, Lego-looking Ferrari Enzo or as its eBay seller calls it, Ferr@ri -we wouldn’t want the Italians to call up their lawyers now, would we… The replica that’s described by its owner as an “absolutely beautiful Enzo” is based on a 1988 Pontiac Fiero GT chassis with a V6 engine and an automatic transmission. And if its looks aren’t good enough to convince you, the learn that it comes equipped with door poppers, AM-FM, CD player, and DVD player with a monitor. -More images after the jump

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mercedes b,american cars,electric auto,newcars
mercedes b,american cars,electric auto,newcars
mercedes b,american cars,electric auto,newcars
mercedes b,american cars,electric auto,newcars
mercedes b,american cars,electric auto,newcars
mercedes b,american cars,electric auto,newcars
mercedes b,american cars,electric auto,newcars
mercedes b,american cars,electric auto,newcars
Link: eBay , Via: Jalopnik


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