With gas prices hiking up every month in the US (see 6-year chart after the jump), diesel powered vehicles suddenly seem to have a viable future in the American market. Not only do they consume around 20 to 30 percent less fuel than a petrol-powered vehicle with similar output but also among other things, they’re more reliable.
Question is, would you consider buying one, and if yes, it would be interesting to see if you'd be more prone to buy an American, Japanese, Korean or European diesel powered passenger vehicle. And if you’re wondering why we added American carmakers in the equation, the reason is, thanks to Ford’s, Chrysler’s and GM’s tie ups with their Euro counterparts, the former big three won’t have any trouble equipping several models in their range with diesel powertains. Share your thoughts with us by leaving a comment below. -Continued: Click "Read More..." below
Fuel chart via: gasbuddy
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