The all new 2008 Mercedes C-Class that’ll be revealed in a few days isn’t the only mid-sized luxury sedan we’re awaiting to see in 2007. Rumors have it that Audi will also unveil its successor to the A4 model later on this year and specifically, at the Frankfurt Motor Show in September. German magazine Auto Zeitung has taken on the task of creating a rendering of the new A4, based on information that they have from Audi’s headquarters in Germany. Beyond the photoshopped image Auto Zeitung also speculates on the 2008 A4’s engine range that’ll consist among others, of the new 1.8 TFSI in 130 & 160 Hp versions and the 260Hp 3.6 V6 FSI. Via: & AutoZeitung
Technorati: Audi+A4, auto+news, car+news, automobile, cars, automotive, vehicles, Carscoop, blogs, 2007, pictures, images, scoop, Frankfurt+motor+Show
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