Land Rover Defender 2007 pictures

country man mini,mini country man,car mercedes*UPDATE: FOR OFFICIAL PICTURES AND INFO, CKICKE HERE: 2007 LAND ROVER DEFENDER

As reported earlier this year (click here: 2007 Defender), Land Rover is planning to update its
nearly immortal Defender which has been in production with various upgrades since 1948 -talk about British infatuation with the past… These phone cell pictures taken from Land Rover's Solihull factory in Birmingham give a first glimpse of the 2007 Defender which according to Land Rover, is going to on sale next spring. While its seems that the exterior remains practically the same as there are only minor changes -check out the side gills, the interior gets a more serious upgrade with Discovery (LR2 & LR3) style gauges, air vents etc.

country man mini,mini country man,car mercedesPress Release: "Customer demand for the Defender will see Land Rover release details of a new model for 2007 later this year, including a series of significant upgrades to enhance the ownership experience and meet forthcoming legislation. It starts going on sale next spring and will help ensure that the Defender remains in production until at least 2010."

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